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Writing Samples

Houndstooth Caterina.PNG

Double Feature

My mom is a writer and she used fabric the same way she used words: to tell stories of how she was feeling and who she wanted to be that day, or hour (my mom is notorious for changing her clothes multiple times a day). I wanted to take her inspiration a step further by telling visual stories based on fabric in two different ways...

The Annunciation.PNG

Unscripted Weirdness

It may come as a surprise to none of you that I did children's theater in my youth. I never wanted to be an actress; I was in it for the social scene, which meant that backstage activities often took precedence over what was happening onstage...


Power Players

 'Twas the 90s and I had just started high school armed with a fresh pair of Doc Martens and my dad's 35mm camera. As a budding photographer, I was fascinated with how photos could tell stories and create characters, which I got to try out in my beginning photo class... 


Dame Starina Presents

Hello my darlings, I am Dame Starina and welcome to my lovely newsletter! It is difficult to describe the complexity and significance of this work, so allow me to act it out for you. We shall start with "Bubbles," a dear friend whom I've often been compared to...


Outfits to Avoid Helping

I will be making my annual Peanut Butter Pie with a Chocolate Ganache glaze and turning up to Thanksgiving dinner in an outfit that says "I cannot season meat properly" to avoid doing any actual cooking. (Hint: lots of sequins). If you would like to remain ornamental this holiday season, I have a few outfit suggestions...

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